Carr? King Square
— Established 1785/Fond— en 1785 —
King Square, named for King George III of England, was granted to the City of Saint John by royal charter in 1785. During its early years, the grounds were the site of such public uses as oxen roasts, fireworks displays, militia parades, cricket games, public wells, a pillory, a slaughter house, and agricultural fairs.
In 1844, King Square was developed as a park and the current design of paths was laid out. The square retained it rural setting of only trees and grass with the exception of the central fountain (1851-present), the bell tower (1855-1877), the Women Christian Temperance Union Monument (1883-1963), and the Young Memorial (1891-present).
King Square "Sense of beauty" was enhanced in 1893 with the first layout of formal flower beds. Further park enhancements such as the King Edward VII Memorial Bandstand (1908), the Tilley Monument (1910), the War Memorial (1925), the Loyalist Cross (1934), the Gorman Monument (1962), and the Last Alarm Bell Monument (1986) further strengthened the square for passive recreation. In 1988, the bandstand and central fountain were restored by the Saint John Central Business Development Corporation.
Le carr? King Square, qui a re?u son nom du roi George III d?Angleterre. Fut octroy? ? Saint John en 1785 par la charte royale. Des ses d?buts, le site de manifestations publiques telles de r?tissages de boeuf, des feux d?artifice, des parades de la milice, des matchs de cricket, des puits public, un pilori, un abattoir et des expositions agricoles.
King Square devint en 1844 un parc et le plan d?am?nagement actuel fut con?u. A l?exception de la fontaine centrale (1851 ? nos jours), de la bell tower (1855 ? 1877), des monuments Women Christian Temperance Union (1883 ? 1963) et Young Memorial (1891 ? nos jours), il n?y a dans le parc que les arbres et du gazon.
Des plates-bandes de fleurs ont ?t? ajout?es en 1893 pour rehausser la beaut? de King Square. Le kiosque ? musique ? la m?moire du roi Edouard VII (1908), le monument Tilley (1910), le War Memorial (1925), la Loyalist Cross (1934), le monument Gorman (1962) et le monument Last Alarm Bell (1986) embellissent ?galement la carr?. La Saint John Central Business Development Corporation a restaur? le kiosque ? musique et la fontaine centrale en 1988.
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